This site makes it quicker and easier for you to share our posts.
On the main page you'll see a list of posts, with Facebook and Twitter buttons. The buttons opens up the post ready to share in the apps (or the browser if you are on a computer) and you can then "Share" or "Retweet" in the normal way.
Note for Facebook: On iPhones, the Facebook button should open a page with a "Share with your Facebook App" button (try refreshing the page if it doesn't appear). Click on the "Share with your Facebook App" button and then you might see a "Open in Facebook?" popup. Click "Open" and then the Facebook App opens the Facebook share dialog. You can choose where to post the share and then click on "Post" at the top. Apparently the process is similar on Android phones. This may have stopped working in 2021, and it may only open inside the browser instead of the app.
When a new post is added there will also be an alert to a Facebook Messenger chat group called "IOC Action Alerts". Using this chat group means you wont have to keep a continuous eye on the It's Our City! Facebook group - you'll get an alert instead. Sign up for these alerts by
With both Facebook and Twitter, not all your friends/followers see every post you make. To spread the word as much as possible it would be great if you can share things regularly and repeatedly. If you have some spare time on the bus, at the breakfast table, in the bath etc, please take an opportunity every day to go to the "Sharing" page and select a 'random' post to share.
Thanks for your help!